- Corner retail space in the heart of SoHo
- Large wraparound windows providing natural light
- Located at the base of a 40-unit residential building
- Recently updated with electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems
- Space can be combined with Wundabar Pilates vacant space next door
- Beautiful white-box office in the heart of SoHo
- Great co-tenancy
- Landlord open to live-work use
- Plenty of natural light
- Vanilla-box retail space
- Perfect for any dry or non-vented food uses
- Located at the base of a 40-unit residential building in the heart of SoHo
- Turn-key bar/restaurant in the heart of SoHo
- Currently “The Ruby”, previously home to Keith McNally’s beloved “Lucky Strike” of 30+ years
- Full basement with large prep area, 2 walk-in refrigerators, small office, and dry storage space
- 4AM liquor license in place
- Previously “Superdry” corporate office
- Column-free layout
- 3 built-out offices and 1 conference room
- Attended lobby
- Boutique fourth floor with an abundant amount of natural light and views of SoHo
- Great for retail or office/showroom uses
- Second generation restaurant on the cusp of Tribeca/SoHo/Chinatown
- Turn-key with prep + walk-in boxes in basement
- Prime location on Canal Street
- Heavy foot traffic and popular tourist area
- Situated in the heart of SoHo with national high-end retail and restaurants surrounding
- Pop-ups considered and welcome
- Modern interior custom build-out
- Private bathroom in place
- Strong exposure on West Broadway
- Turn-key restaurant in the heart of Soho
- ADA and private bathrooms in place
- Strong restaurant corridor
- Heavy foot traffic
- No key-money
950 Third Avenue
22nd Floor
New York NY 10022